The types of semiotic meaningattributed to insect species, their taxonomy,
Even if their names aren't known to us, it's fun to view insects up close.
Many people grow these insects as their pets because of being
Greybacks, clubtails, darners, biddies, and skimmers. Their names are
that it is hard to learn their names, much less to know much about them.
Small, pear-shaped insects, with cornicles or “tail-pipes” near the tip of
“Be warned, flesh-and-blood bugs may soon live up to their name.”
A non-fiction book about insects. Names a variety of insects,
Which common garden insect gets its scientific name from the latin for
Find the names insects on the the list. How many of these insects do you
Insects and their larvae are the natural source of fats and complete protein
Their piercing mouthparts sting the fruit, producing a yellowish blotch and
Insects do not breathe through their mouths the way vertebrates do.
Despite their names, Sowbugs and Pillbugs are crustaceans, not insects.
Star Sky screensaver will help you to learn constellation names and their
Each two-page spread shows one of these groups, giving their name and a
The pedipalps (pincers) may or may not be poisonous to their insect prey.
Larvae molt their skins four times during their development and,
Different types of insect have other names for their larvae, for example,